
Hello Everyone,๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Today we will post the first animals are rabbits! Yeah, my favourite animals are rabbits.

             Look, look she is so cute!

Currently, there are 49 rabbit breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and 106 recognized by the British Rabbit Council (BRC), with even more breeds in other countries. 

This website can help you more easily understand the different looks of each type of rabbit:

More and more schools and families are willing to raise a rabbit as their pet because the rabbit will not bark like a dog to affect the class at school or the life of the neighbour.

How to care for a Pet Rabbit?
1. Set up Safe Indoor Housing
2. Bunny Proof Your House
3. Provide Fresh Hay
4. Provide Fresh Greens, Fiber-rich Pellets, and Fresh Water.
5. Set Up a Litter Box
6. Provide Enrichment
7. Groom Your Rabbit
8. Bring Your Rabbit to a Rabbit-Savvy Vet
9. Understand Rabbits' Unique Language and Behavior

I hope everyone likes the rabbits we introduced today.

one more picture for my favourite animals๐Ÿ˜‰


Blog by Hanying Zhang 44872364


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