
Showing posts from October, 2018

Last animals' blog

LAST BLOG WITH YOU ALL! 🙀 We hope you have all enjoyed our animal posts and learnt some things along the way! 😄 Our whole group has evenly contributed to writing the blog posts. Hanying, Qiannuo, Anton and Dianne all went to the zoo in order to grab some great animal footage video for our 'Animal' theme content. Hugo was unable to attend our zoo trip, however we had some moral support from him. We organised a meeting where we gathered to contribute our ideas, edit and sort the videos into the wanted order etc. We made a fun (and hilarious) video on Youtube for you to watch! Check it out here below before we part our ways :) FAREWELL FELLOW ANIMAL FRIENDS! 44622708 Dianne Vuong 45381399 Anton Kwong 44872364 Hanying Zhang 44186819 Qiannuo Zhang 44915853 Li Cheng Chuang


About Sloths Sloths are small sized mammals, with round heads, and short snouts, small eyes and long legs. Sloths have coarse fur that is light brown in color, but often appears green due to the blue-green algae that grow there. Instead of toes, their front and hind feet have three curved claws that allow them to easily hook onto tree branches and hang upside-down.  Fun facts - Sloths can rotate their heads nearly 90 degrees,  - Their mouths are shaped so they look like they are always smiling.  - Males are distinguishable from females because they usually have a bright yellow or orange patch of fur located between their shoulders. Slow and Steady The sloth is renowned to be the slowest-moving animal on earth! They can swim but are virtually unable to walk. This makes them an easy target for predators who hunt sloths for meat. Ritual defecation is the sloth equivalent of speed dating, just without the speed. This unfortunately puts them at risk to ground a


WELCOME BACK FRIENDS! Topic of today is black and white and super adorable. Can you guess what it is without looking at the title you just clicked? No it's not penguins we did that already Look it's not a zebra either we can do that another time You guessed it, it's a Panda! Habitat: Where Can You Find These Beautiful Bears?  The giant panda, also known as a panda bear or panda, is a bear which inhabits remote, mountainous regions of central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. These areas are cool, wet forests which provide appropriate sustenance for the needs of giant panda's. Diet: Panda's are always hungry! Despite popular belief of panda's only eating bamboo. Which they do eat 12 hours a day. Eating up to 12.5 kg of bamboo each day, according to National Geographic. One reason they eat so much is that bamboo is because of the low nutrients provided by the bamboo. However, they also feed on rodents, fish,


But why? Now I know what you're thinking. Out of all the beautiful, majestic and stunning animals of this world.  Why a Blobfish?  The Blobfish has been a severely under appreciated animal. This is probably because of how hideous this poor little creature is.  "But Animals5 that image above is so adorable and cute, how could you possibly call it ugly?" M O V I N G   O N


Hello~~~~~~ 😀 Today I want to introduce our unique animals in Australia . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Koala~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Koala is a very lazy little animal. They basically eat and sleep every day.  A koala is an animal that weighs about 60 cm to 85 cm and weighs about 14 kg. Koalas are mammals, and they have a bag of newborn development. When a baby koala is born, he will immediately climb up to the koala's mother's pouch. After six months of growth and development, the little koala will grow up on the back of the koala mother.  An adult koala eats between 200 to 500 grams of leaves each day. Koalas eat mainly eucalyptus leaves (gum leaves). Occasionally they will eat the leaves from some other native Australian trees, and they also use certain trees just for resting in. Usually, Koala needs to sleep between 18 to 22 hours for per day. They sleep a lot to conserve energy as their diet requires a lot of energy to digest.

Seals (╯°□°)╯

You might be asking yourself, why seals? Well, look no further because the answer is... Why not? We just did penguins. A Pinniped, more commonly known as a seal (includes sea lions and walruses) Pinnipeds, or seals, are a carnivorous species, meaning that they exclusively eat meat. This includes, you guessed it, penguins, fish, squid, krill, and even other seals! However, just like the penguins, they too have a common predator, the killer whale. A Diagram depicting the food chain in Antarctica Seals, however, only have flippers for limbs and have streamlined bodies which allow them to be more flexible and agile as dolphins, but not as fast. There are some species which propel themselves with their front flippers while others use their hind ones. On land, they can propel themselves forward in a bouncing motion. Some seals just bouncing around Many types of seal prefer the colder waters of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Most of their lives are spent i

Penguins ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

Hey guys, Today we're going to be talking about the animal that Pingu is based off of, P enguins ! A cartoon made with stop motion techniques depicting the fantasy life of a penguin Penguins, although they are birds, are aquatic and flightless. The wings that may have been present in their ancestors have evolved into flippers which allow them to swim at great speeds at the cost of their ability to fly. Even though the ancestors of penguins may have had wings, they are thought to have had wings they are specialised for diving into water to hunt for their prey. Waimanu, a depiction of a genus of early penguin Most penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere with one exception and although they are almost always depicted to live in colder areas such as Antarctica, there are species, such as the Galapagos penguin that lives in the Galapagos Islands, which is both in the Northern Hemisphere and a temperate area. Map of where many penguins can be found in the Sou


Hi guys,  Today we will welcome a new friend, they have long necks!!!! Did you guys guess it??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Welcome our new friends! GIRAFFE!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some    physical features:        They got long necks !!!!        They got huge eyes!!!!        They have a pair of a ntlers.        They got a long tail.         They have very long limbs. (How cute is it !!!!) According to research, there are four different types of giraffes in Africa. Two of these species have two and three subspecies respectively.  Masai Giraffe Masai giraffe range across central and southern Kenya and throughout Tanzania. The Masai giraffe is often noticeably darker than other subspecies. Its blotches are large, dark brown and distinctively vine leaf-shaped with jagged edges, and separated by irregular, creamy brown lines. Reticulated Giraffe Although sometimes also called netted or Somali giraffe, this species is more commonly known


Hello Everyone,😃 Today we will post the first animals are rabbits! Yeah, my favourite animals are rabbits.              Look, look she is so cute! Currently, there are 49 rabbit breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and 106 recognized by the British Rabbit Council (BRC), with even more breeds in other countries.  This website can help you more easily understand the different looks of each type of rabbit: More and more schools and families are willing to raise a rabbit as their pet because the rabbit will not bark like a dog to affect the class at school or the life of the neighbour. TIPS!!! How to care for a Pet Rabbit? 1. Set up Safe Indoor Housing 2. Bunny Proof Your House 3. Provide Fresh Hay 4. Provide Fresh Greens, Fiber-rich Pellets, and Fresh Water. 5. Set Up a Litter Box 6. Provide Enrichment 7. Groom Your Rabbit 8. Bring Your Rabbit to a Rabbi


HI THERE, How quick we poss the fourth blog...Ok, Let's welcome the SWEETY!!! Dolphin !!! Some introduce of the lovely: Dolphins belong to mammalia, cetacean, toothed cetaceans, dolphin family, commonly known as dolphins, a total of nearly 62 species, distributed in the world's oceans. The body length is 1.2 to 4.2 meters and weighs 23~225 kilograms . Dolphins like to live in groups, few and several hundred in number. Dolphins are brilliant and intelligent sea mammals. !!!WHAT 'S THE AMAZING FACTS!!!! Dolphins' brains are the most advanced animals except human beings. The human brain accounts for 2.1 per cent of his body weight, and the dolphin brain accounts for 1.7 per cent of his body weight. The dolphin's brain is made up of two completely separated parts, one part of which works and the other part is fully rested  so that it can remain awake for life. Dolphins are intelligent and  brilliant  ani


Hello guys, Have a beautiful day already? WOW, ^_^  Following the last blog, we will talk about another animal friend from the ocean ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WHALE~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (How can it be so big!!!!) Some species of whales: Whales are characterised by: Huge in size!  Some whales are large and have a maximum body length of 30 meters !!! The "fountain type" breathing pattern is a unique life habit of whales. Whales breathe in the lungs and breathe in the water and then dive into the water for 10~45 minutes. Whales are shaped like fish and are spindle-shaped. The head is large, and the eyes are small, and the ear shells are completely degraded. The neck is not apparent. The forelimbs are finned, and the hind limbs are entirely degraded; most species have fins on the back; the tail is horizontal finned and is the main motor organ. The whale has a big appetite. A blue